LATEST UPDATE:Sorry!.This code only displays only CSS codes inside boxes.For displaying HTML, Javascript codes, click here(tested!)
As a blogger in HTML you would have known that you could not enter HTML codes directly in your post for others to see.A lot of bloggers ask this question and they are answered very rarely.In this post I will show you how to show HTML tags or codes in text for others to see.

Plese replace the ( in the code to < and ) in the code to >
(span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)")
Your HTML code to appear in the first line
(span style="COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)")
Your HTML code to appear in the second line


As you can see for something to appear in the next line you have to type the whole thing again.You can remove the br in the last line to cancel an extra line break after your code.